Owner Operators
Make Money With Us

24/7 Dispatching

88% of

$0.35 / Gallon Fuel Discount

Discounts in Repair Shop
Fill Out a Small Form to Learn More About Our Offer
Trailers We Work With:
*Rent Available



We are Committed to Providing Independence and Flexibility to Our Owner Operators
We value and respect American truck drivers and owner-operators’ independence and freedom spirit. In our company, we are offering as much independence and flexibility as possible. No one knows how to do your business better than you! We trust you on that and offer you all convenient tools for making money with us.

Driver Friendly Company
We are dedicated to accommodating all possible drivers' needs for a comfortable schedule and constant workload. Our goal is to help owner-operators establish and maintain the work-life balance they desired.

Self-Dispatching Option or Our 24/7 Dispatching Service
We trust your industry knowledge and will be happy to provide you with all the necessary tools for self-dispatching. If you want to do the driving and leave dispatching to us - we also have you covered. Our 24/7 dispatching center will find you the best loads and assist you whenever you need them.

PrePass - Weight Station Bypass
Through our network, we give our owner-operators access to PrePass Service that allows bypassing weight stations which saves a lot of hours for drivers! No more long lines on weight stations. Wait less - drive more - earn more.

Truck Maintenance
All You Need For Your Truck
In One Place
We are providing complete truck repair assistance, free truck parking in Illinois, discounts for labor, and discounts for parts and tires. With us, your trucks run like new every day!
- Free Truck Parking in West Dundee IL
- Discounts in repair shop/ labor: $85 per hour
- Discounts on parts and tires
- Up to 30% Discount on Physical Damage Insurance
We Know that Transparency Builds Trust
We are 100% Transparent With Our Owner Operators
We are committed to building trust with our drivers and owner-operators and that’s why we adopted a 100% transparency policy! You can check every load you get – any time you want.
Original Load Confirmation
We forward the original load confirmation email to you, so you could see what exactly the broker's rate is.
Factoring Access Anytime
We don't have secrets from our partners. You can come to our office any time and see all your loads and rates for them.
Transparent Billing
Every time you get your check - you can ask for a complete information about your loads and we will provide it to you with no questions.
Owner Operators Love to Do Business With Us

- Any year, make and model of truck is acceptable as long as it complies with DOT
- IRP Program
- FMCSA Approved
Get Even More Flexibility and Protection Working with Us
At Highkick safety is our number one priority. That’s why we always make sure to follow all safety measures. We are working hard to provide our owner-operators with as much flexibility as possible and keep them safe at the same time. IRP program helps our drivers to operate through the borders without limits while FMCSA compliance guarantees their safety.
We Work In All 48 States